Applying Wisdom

Preparing Your Heart and Mind to See God's Options

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Life is a paradox.

We want to plan for the future and provide for our loved ones but must also learn to live in the now. We want to enjoy living our lives and explore everything yet we have a deep sense to fulfill our call.

Spiritually, believers are complete in Jesus but we are in a state of continual mind renewal to be transformed into the very image of Christ in this world.

We want Jesus to “come quickly” but we are to be about our Father’s business seeing the continual increase of his kingdom through our influence in the world. Each human on the planet has their own responsibility to follow God and experience his provision yet we are to clothe and feed the poor, take care of widows and preach the Gospel in all the world.

These ideas are not either/or, they are to be lived simultaneously. Living content in everything, in every situation but always desiring God’s glory to be fully manifested in every situation. I don’t call it tension, I call it life.

Wisdom is not about having the right information. Wisdom is the manifestation of the word of God. Wisdom is the application of the word or the logic or the logic of God. Jesus is made unto us wisdom. In other words, as you live toward this world in this life, because Christ dwells in your heart by faith, his word, his ways, his logic, his thinking, his peace and his joy will manifest through you into this world and you reap the benefit and represent him as he manifest through you.


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