Let’s Build!! Will You Partner With Us?!
“I don’t want you to “catch our vision,” I want to equip you to discover and fulfill your vision and calling.”
The Vision
Forward Church is growing because people are growing! We don’t want to use people to build an organization, we want to use our organization to build and grow people! Our greatest desire is for people to experience wholeness from encountering God’s love and then experience transformation through a radical encounter with God’s powerful grace!
We are Changing the Way the World Sees God! We want people to see God as Jesus presented Him: as loving and kind. Every belief about faith and life should be rooted in the finished work of Christ. For too long, the world has had the wrong view of God. We are changing that! At Forward, people are discovering God's healing love and His transformative grace
One prominent leader in the body of Christ spoke at Forward and said, “I think this is the healthiest church I have ever been in.” I believe that is because we value the Gospel, and we value people. Everything else flows from that.
Moving Forward
We will continue to keep our small church, community feel as we expand, we will just get to help more people experience this unique and special community.
Here are several aspects of our Vision as we expand:
Through making disciples, strengthening families, raising children up in their identity in Christ, serving our community, equipping people in the ministry of reconciliation, bringing in the lost, recovering those hurt by church, setting captives free, training leaders, and much more, Forward will continue to fulfill its God-given mandate to tell people to GO FORWARD!!
Just like Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt and then told the people to continue to GO FORWARD when facing the impossible task of crossing the Red Sea, we will help people overcome seemingly impossible challenges and enter the promised land of the abundant life Jesus came to give us.
Partner with us
Do you believe in this message? Do you believe in this church? I encourage you to pray and ask God how you can help. We believe hundreds of people are making their way to Forward Church in Sharpsburg, GA, and thousands of people are making their way to Forward Church Online. Is that you? We hope so!! And we’re so glad you’re here.
Please give a gift if you believe in what God has called Forward to do.
You can give a one-time gift setup or a recurring donation.
2024 Vision and Calling Series
Watch our series on Calling and Vision to hear all about the plans God has for Forward Church!!