Thank You For Serving
“We want to use the organization to build people, we don’t want to use people to build an organization.”
Thank you for your interest in serving at Forward Church!! We highly value your time and your freedom in Christ. You are under no obligation to serve our vision. One of our core values is that you get your own vision. We want to help you do so.
While we do not want to trap you in our ministries and programs, we do want to serve. Not only do we want you to serve, we need you. God is using Forward in amazing ways and we need your help. We want you to serve in the area of your passion. If your passion is something we do not currently have in operation, we would love to sit down with you and help you find a way to fulfill that desire.
Please fill out this form to let us know your experience and passion. If you do not know your passion, we recommend Pastor Clint’s course Who Do You Love. Email for a church member discount code.
This form will be submitted to our pastoral staff. We will follow up with a meeting to discuss the best place to serve. We have many needs at Forward Church, but we want you to serve in the area of your passion, with the goal of equipping you to fulfill God’s assignments for your life.
Before you commit to a team, we’d like for you to complete a few steps.
Complete Welcome to the Family
Read The Gospel of Peace
Engage The Journey