Students — Forward Church

Student Ministry

We seek to inspire your teens to walk with God and make good choices in their daily lives. We establish them them in their New Covenant identity and teach them how to have an intimate relationship with God. We also focus on practical life ministry to help teens navigate relationships and the influences in the world. Our Student Ministry gatherings are for 7th grade and up.

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Not Just Fun and Games

Student Ministry is serious business. Our students are future leaders, entrepreneurs, politicians and teachers. We seek to not just keep them out of trouble but live a thriving life while following God. The face and function of the body of Christ is changing in our times, we are training our teens to be real world Christians, not just church goers. While we have lots of fun, we are fiercely pursuing relationship with God and are seeking to be transformed into the image of Christ.

Lyle Camp

For Lyle, following Jesus is easy and light, and filled with laughter.