
​​​​​​​We want to help you develop a lifestyle of evangelism through which the gifts of God’s indwelling spirit naturally flow through you. Discover how to communicate the Gospel in a way that keeps Jesus at the center and helps people understand their value to God.

Equipping you in the Ministry of Reconciliation through Prayer, Evangelism and Gifts Training. Experiencing and operating in the supernatural realm of God doesn't take a special anointing and the discovery of mystical secrets. Operating in God's supernatural power is perfectly natural and available for every believer.

Every believer is called to the work of an evangelist.  We are commissioned to go into the world and tell people, believers and unbelievers, that God is not holding their sins against them 2 Corinthians 5:16-21.  The world is in desperate need of repentance but it's the goodness of God that causes people to change their minds about God. Romans 2:4.

Romans 1:16 tells us that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the power of God unto salvation. It's hearing the good news about what Jesus has accomplished that produces salvation in peoples lives.

Grace In Motion is for the purpose of establishing you in grace and righteousness so you are a skilled communicator of the finished work of Jesus' death, burial and resurrection. We will help you understand the difference between anointings (there's only one), the gifts and the offices of administration. We will lay aside Old Covenant concepts like covering and spiritual authority and establish you firmly in the Lordship of Jesus.

This is also a place of prayer and healing for those who need prayer and want to learn to pray for others. We couple evangelism training with a safe opportunity to practice the gifts of the Spirit.  As a believer you have the indwelling Spirit of God and the capacity to see miracles through your own hands.  You don't need a special anointing, you just need confidence which comes through training and practice.  We provide a safe place to develop your gifts for the purpose of representing Jesus Christ to the world in which you live.

Why "Grace In Motion"?

The word Grace is the Greek word "charis."  This word is also translated as gifts in the Bible.  Grace = Gifts.  Charis / Grace / Gifts is not just unmerited favor, it's also a divine influence in our hearts that brings the capacity to operate the works of God.  Believing is a matter of the heart, Grace In Motion is an opportunity to persuade yourself to believe and see the promises of God manifest for yourself and others.