Welcome Disciple Maker

On this page you will find resources to use as you make disciples

Discipleship Foundations Free Course

Discipleship Foundations Course led by Clint Byars. Feel free to point people to this free online course. Or you can use the Leader’s and Disciple Guides below to meet with people and walk them through the study guides yourself.

Link for the course: https://forwardschooloftransformation.thinkific.com/courses/discipleship-101

Discipleship Foundations Study Guides

This resource contains a Leader’s Guide and six Disciple Guides. You can use the Leader’s Guide to walk others through the blank Disciple Guides. Whether it be a new believer, your children, or a class you are teaching, feel free to print and distribute the blank guides. As the leader, we suggest meeting with the person you’re disciplining and cover one guide per session. These guides will give you a plan to establish people in the foundations of salvation and basic doctrines every new believer should know. Contact us with any questions info@forward.church or 770-824-3434.

Download: Leader’s Guide

Disciple Guides