
Building A Healthy Church

Thanks everyone for coming! I appreciate the excitement for where we are as a church, and where we’re going.

Adam and Robin presented a 2021 financial report.
See the report here: 2021 Income and Expense Report

I gave a talk on building a healthy church
See the presentation: Building A Healthy Church PDF Presentation

A healthy church environment has 3 main components; worship, community, and service. I break each one down in the slides above. Our role is to disciple people and equip them for the work of the ministry. In our next leadership gathering, I’ll discuss our discipleship path. This gathering focused on the Eco-Sphere of a Healthy and Mature church. If we get these 3 things right, we’ll have a better opportunity to actually disciple people. A healthy church is part of the discipleship process, but it’s only the start.

When people come to a church, they want to feel wanted, needed, and connected. We all agreed that we can up our game in connecting with new people and making them feel welcome. If someone has been around a while and still doesn’t feel connected, we should ask if they are engaged in all 3 spheres of worship, community, and service. We all agreed to take it upon ourselves to help people become involved in all 3 spheres. And to make sure that we ourselves are involved in all 3.

We will not create a training program for church members with bullet points to check off to create a church environment, we agreed that these are principles that we can embed into our culture and the way we all think as members of this church.

If you shared a comment yesterday after my talk, please take a few minutes and post in the comment section a summary of your comment.

Grace and peace,