Rescuing Girls from Early Forced Marriage and FGM

Reverend Teresa June Webb, founder of Desert Rose Ministries

Reverend Teresa June Webb, founder of Desert Rose Ministries

In many regions of Kenya, villagers still receive a dowry for their daughters. These 12 to 16 year old girls are essentially sold into marriage. They are then often forced to endure FGM (female genital mutilation).  Many times the young girls run away from home or even take their own lives to escape forced marriage and FGM.  

Forward Church has partnered with Desert Rose Ministries and Just1 to build a girls rescue home. Once the girls are placed safely in the home, we work together to provide basic needs as well as an education.

While on a trip to Kenya, Pastor Clint Byars met up with Teresa June Webb os DRM to minister in the East Pokot region to the villagers who inhabit Mt. Paka. Mt. Paka is a desolate region with many people who have not heard the Gospel. The videos below are a brief representation of the kind of work we’re doing in Kenya in this region. In the photo to the right you can see Pastor Clint with two village elders who initiated Clint as an elder in the Chepungus village among the Pokot tribe on Mt. Paka.


Testimonies and Videos from Mt. Paka, Kenya